Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Stage of Waiting

You've heard of ladies-in-waiting? Well I've decided that I am officially an Adoptive-Mom-in-Waiting! But I'm so happy to announce the next stage that we've graduated to...

We're officially in line for a court date!!! I know this may seem so anti-climactic for most of you. Several months ago I would have responded with an "And...?" Since we had heard about the hold-ups with our kids' paperwork, we were beginning to wonder what kind of plan God had us on? Would we be on the "eternally waiting" plan? I'd already told God (more than once I readily admit) that I really had learned whatever lesson it was that He was seemed to be convinced I needed to learn. He hasn't quite bought it yet... I guess He saw the times that I almost started screaming into my pillow, the many times I've bitten my tongue to refrain from laying into one of my beloved family members in exasperation, the times that biting did no good... sorry TrueDad & kids... All in all, though, my faith is definitely expanding and my trust has increased exponentially (promise, God!).

We should know about the official date within a couple of weeks. It doesn't normally take that long (yet another "opportunity" to wait and learn...), but I've been told that there are a couple of holidays coming up in Ethiopia (from my extensive online research - i.e. "world travel guide"): May 1 - Labour Day... bet you didn't know that this went beyond our country... ok - I had no idea at least... and May 5 - Patriots Victory Day. No idea what that one means... my extensive research hasn't extended that far... At any rate, we are thrilled to have confirmation that the paperwork is in order and that we're in line for a date!

Thank you for all your prayers! We are humbled and privileged to call so many of you friends.

TrueMom-in-waiting :)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

YEAH!!! Our girls will be able play together at the sacramento ethiopia adopt get-togethers! I am so happy for your family.