Saturday, January 24, 2009

Yesterday I sent off the packages for the kids in ET. It was so much fun to pick out things we thought they would enjoy. The three year old boy will get hot wheels tonka toys, a stuffed animal, book, way cool "cars" t-shirt that lights up when you move and a photo album of us. The little 9 month old girl will receive a cute little hot pink outfit, soft blanket, rattle, stuffed animal and a small photo album she can chew on. She may as well get used to being up-close and personal with her new family! We also sent a similar package for their older sibling (without the pictures), because we couldn't stand the thought of him watching his brother and sister get presents while he got none! We also included an older, live worship cd we recorded at our last church after finding out that the orphanage had a cd player. We thought it'd be neat if they were able to hear what we sound like... after all, they'll be hearing lots of music when they get here - they might want to get used to it :).

We're really praying and hoping to receive our official referral of these precious ones before the gifts arrive, or at least while the director of the organization is in ET. That way we can get pictures and video of them receiving their gifts and seeing our pics for the first time.

Our home study needs to be completed and approved for that to happen. I found out yesterday that our social worker had some kind of family emergency and it was taking a little longer than planned. She did tell me that it should be finished at the end of next week and then they can send it to our placement agency for approval so the timing could work out.


Jodi Queenan Artist copyright 2011 said...

Lori & Eric,
We are excited to find out through the Sacramento Adoption Group that you are adopting from Ethiopia... also! We attended Adventure Christian for years and I think we met you upon occasion. We facilitated the Cancer Support group for awhile. We now live in Rancho Cordova and attend Cordova Neighborhood. We are in the process of adopting a child under 3 or a sibling set under 4 in the coming year. We are finishing up our second and final application with Children's Home Society and our primary agency is Bay Area Adoption Services. And we have only one interview left with our social worker. I hope that we will finish with in the next month and get on the wait list. On our blog, there is another blog link that you might enjoy. Todd's Blog and Missing Noah. A couple that is also a worship leader who adopted two boys from Haiti. The have older children also. You might really enjoy their blog....I thought of you guys. Anyway, I was very excited to see your blog and to find out that God is working in hearts of people every where to plow the fields of the fatherless.

P.S. Do you know about the RED LETTERS? & Have you read Ashes to Africa?

Jodi Queenan Artist copyright 2011 said...

Okay so I linked you up to our blog..... Now you are blogging!!!!

Diane Larson said...

Congratulations on your journey. We adopted a little girl through AWOP/CHI and have two bio children, 12 and 16. I could totally identify with people wondering why?? I told my husband I have the hardest time explaining to those outside of the church. It is such a "God thing". Have a wonderful journey.